Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tanganire National Park, Part 2

Turtles ( big) crossing the road.

Everything gets carried on the head. Maybe that is one reason why people have such impressive and elegant posture.

Enormous termite colonies that, as in India, become homes for snakes and mongeese when abandoned.

Elephants 7000-8000 kilos; Tarangire National Park.

A minor tragedy today. We stopped at a tourist trap and while there, two tiny kittens i saw climbed into the undercarriage of our truck. I discovered this at the entrance to the park, after driving for two hours, because I heard them crying, but they would not let me help them out. They are feral. I told Crispian, and he said they would hop when we stopped. For quite a while I heard them mewing and my heart was broken.

At the entrance to the park, our truck is sprayed to discourage TseTse flies.

Crispian spots two cheetahs. I think Crispian could see an ant on the moon.

We are between 2 and 3 degrees south of the equator. This is my first time in the southern hemisphere; should I be checking which way the water goes down the toilet?

First lion (lioness),!!! What a face!!!!

The women's cries when I bought the necklace from them at a women's cooperative. They warbled/chanted with glee. I made their day and they made my year.

Thank God I am not in a group. Sardines in a tin tuck on a day when it is 35 degrees. I fade at 3:00 in his heat.

1 comment:

  1. I am so envious!!!! You deserve this trip and these experiences Christopher. Enjoy it all fully.

    Dana posting as Carmichael his teddy bear
